Best Sileo & Zebra Themes
Best iOS 15 to iOS 16 – 16.7.3 Jailbreak Themes for Dopamine Jailbreak, XinaA15 jailbreak, Palera1n jailbreak, and Fugu15Max Jailbreak. you can find the best Jailbreak Sileo Themes for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Top Sileo and Zebra Themes for iOS 15 – 16.7.3
There are many themes available in Sileo and Zebra package manager, following Sileo and Zebra themes are the most beautiful themes among these.
Best Paid themes for Sileo & Zebara
1. Echoes
Most detailed frosty glass theme, over 600 icons ($3.99)

2. 3Dworld
3Dworld – Modern Elegance & Art ($2.99)
320+ 3D (and countinf)

3. Ango Theme
icons, icon pack, material ios, icon themes ($1.99)
ago has been launched in 2016 for Android with only 1100 icons

4. Bohemic
Best iOS theme out there ($1.99)
bohemian definition 1 A vague term used to refer to people who live some sort of “alternative”

5. Lucent
A lustrous & radiant iOS theme pack ($2.49)
Dark mode, Glyph’s mode, Black mode, White mode

6. Peek Dark
Dark icons designed to mimic in-app UI ($2.49)
410 icons, Alternative icons

7. Zenira
Zenira is adark & line style desingn theme for iOS! ($1.99)
include 269 icons, keep continue to update.

7. Raspberry
Vibrant Gradients for iOS! ($2.49)
A beautiful and modern icon pack for iOS devices.

8. Col0rant
Col0rant is an eye-catching and colorful theme! ($0.99)
204 icons (more soon)

Best Free Install Themes for Sileo & Zebra
1. Lollipop
A Beautiful and Vibrant iOS theme!
180+ icons

2. Felicity Pro
The theme requires a theming engine to work.
1000 icons

3. Mojito
Mojito is a free spiritual successor to the theme going by the name of Ayeris.

4. Neo – Classic iOS
Nostalgia mixed with a modern vibe

5. Mint 4
Celebrating the 4th anniversary of Mint with this fresh new redesign

Where detail meets simplicity
270+ main icon
25+ Alt icons

7. Aurora
So the story of Aurora is simple.
340+ main icon
100+ Alt icons

8. Gold V2
Set of beautiful themes with the main yellow color
166 icons with yellow tones

Top Cydia and Sileo Sources for iOS 15 – 16.7.3
You have jailbroken your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch running iOS 15 – iOS 16.7.3, check this some Sileo and Zebra repositories with useful jailbreak themes listed.
How to add a source to Sileo?
- Open Sileo on your jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
- Now go to sources
- Tap + in the top right corner.
- Copy and paste the URL of the repo from the below list.
- Tap Add Source.
Havoc Repo

Havoc to get 290 packages available.
Chariz Repo

Add Chariz to get 128 packages available.
Bigboss Repo

Add BigBoss to get 17,020 packages available.
Sparkdev Repo

Add SparkDev to get 67 packages available.
Packix Repo

Add Packix to get 1,162 packages available.