Jailbreak Tutorials

Jailbreak Tutorials

Get iOS jailbreaks, tools, tweaks, apps, and IPA library. The Senumy team scans all jailbreak IPAs and solutions available on the top 10 IPA library stores in the world for every iOS version.

How to Jailbreak.

RootHide Bootstrap
RootHide Bootstrap

The RootHide development team recently launched a Procursus-based bootstrap compatible with TrollStore 2 devices running iOS 14.0 to iOS 17.0

Dopamine jailbreak logo
Dopamine Jailbreak

Dopamine, the latest semi-untethered permasigned Jailbreak tool, is now available for iOS & iPad OS 15.0 – 15.4.1.

nekoJB Jailbreak
nekoJB Jailbreak

nekoJB is a semi-untethered jailbreak for devices running iOS 15.0 to 15.8, offering support for any arm64 device.

XinaA15 Jailbreak

XinaA15 (commonly referred to as Xina15) is an innovative project that provides users with the ability to unlock the full potential of modern devices running iOS 15 and beyond.

Fugu15 Max Jailbreak
Fugu15 Max Jailbreak

Fugu15 Max is a semi-untethered permasigned jailbreak that is released and supports iOS 15 – iOS 15.4.1 on A12+ devices. find all the related information about this Fugu15 MAx jailbreak like supported devices, supported iOS versions, features, and all, from this page. 

Palera1n Jailbreak logo
Palera1n Jailbreak

Palera1n is a semi-tethered checkm8 jailbreak for iOS 15.0 – iOS 16.7.2, utilizing the checkm8 exploit on compatible iOS devices.

WinRa1n Jailbreak

WinRa1n Tool is a Windows-based iOS jailbreak tool for iOS 12.4 through iOS 16.7.3, compatible with iPhone and iPad devices. To Jailbreak your device easily.

meowbrek2 Jailbreak
meowbrek2 Jailbreak

The Meow (meowbrek2) semi-untethered jailbreak meowbrek2 (by dora2ios) is now in public beta, offering support for iOS 15 – iOS 15.7.6 and A9 to A11 devices.

Cherimoya Jailbreak
Cherimoya Jailbreak

Cherimoya jailbreak is compatible with iOS 15.0 to 17.0 on arm64/arm64e devices, allowing you to install Sileo and Terminal.

Ra1ncloud Jailbreak
Ra1ncloud Jailbreak

Ra1ncloud jailbreak Fugu15 is a semi-untethered for iOS 15 – iOS 15.4.1, You will find all the related information about this Ra1ncloud Jailbreak like supported devices, supported iOS versions, features, and all, from this page. 

KFD logo
KFD Jailbreak

New Kernel Exploits have been released by developer @Felix-pb. They support iOS 16.2 – 16.5 / iOS 16.6 beta 1 for jailbreaking, and the KFD exploit, now available as open source, has an IPA file that you can test and use for free.

MacDirtyCow logo

MacDirtyCow exploit is using the system tweak (Without Jailbreak) and supports iOS 16 – iOS 16.1.2, iOS 15.0. For all Devices, you can freely install apps & download MacDirtyCow system tweak IPA files.

ChatGPT Jailbreak logo
ChatGPT Jailbreak

Best ChatGPT Jailbreak prompts, and you can download the free ChatGPT App IPA is free to download and includes no ads & best Shortcuts to connect OpenAI ChatGPT Siri shortcut tweaks with the best way for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Jailbreak iOS versions.

iOS 17.2 Jailbreak
iOS 17.2 Jailbreak

This page compiles a list of verified jailbreak methods for iOS 17.2, corresponding to its final release. You are welcome to explore the following methods to jailbreak iOS 17.2.

iOS 17.1 Jailbreak
iOS 17.1 Jailbreak

If you are looking to jailbreak iOS 17.1 on your iPhone or iPadOS 17.1, here’s the latest update on Tweak Apps, install Themes, and tools for iPhone/iPad that you may want to know about.

iOS 17 -17.0.2 Jailbreak
iOS 17 -17.0.2 Jailbreak

We analyze all iOS 17- 17.0.4 Jailbreak tools, and Jailbreak app installation methods considering their risk factors. We found that some of the Jailbreak-related tools are high risk for your iOS 17 / 17.0.1 / 17.0.2/ 17.0.3 / 17.0.4 running iPhones and iPads. 

IPA installer

TrollStore logo

TrollStore is a permanent IPA installer that supports iOS 14.0 – iOS 17.0. It operates through AMFI/CoreTrust, ensuring that the root certificate is used to sign the app without revocation.

AltStore logo

The AltStore method is often regarded as the best way to install IPA files. Whether you’re using a Mac or a Windows PC, you can easily install IPA files on your iPhone or iPad. 

Sideloadly logo

The Sideloadly tool can be mentioned as the best method to install IPA files. Using a Mac or Windows PC you can install IPA files to your iPhone or iPad. 

E-sign logo

E-sign is a tool that can sign IPA files without jailbreak. Sideload revoked apps on your iPhone, supporting iOS 17.2.1 and iOS 14.

Tweaks Apps.

Misaka logo

Misaka Tweak Manager is an IPA based on the KFD & MacDirtyCow exploits for iOS 16.2 – 17.2 supporting all devices from A12 to A16.

Serotonin logo

Serotonin, a not/semi-jailbreak SpringBoard tweak toolbox, is compatible with arm64e devices from iPhone XS – iPhone 14 Pro Max, running iOS 16.2 through 16.6.1. 

KFDmineek logo

KFDmineek supports tweak injection on arm64e devices with compatibility for KFD Landa and CoreTrust 2 exploits on iOS 16. x. Integrated with RootHide Bootstrap, it offers automated tweak injection.

Cydia, Sileo, Tweaks & Sources
Best Cydia & Sileo, Tweaks & Sources

iOS 15 -16.7 Jailbreak Tweaks & Sources forDopamine Jailbreak, XinaA15 jailbreak, Palera1n jailbreak and Fugu15Max Jailbreak. you can find the best Jailbreak Sileo Tweaks for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Cowabunga Lite logo
Cowabunga Lite

Cowabunga Lite & Cowabunga IPA toolbox application for iOS 17 – 16, 15 & 14, using MacDirtyCow exploit. for installing themes, changing passcodes, and hiding system settings, without jailbreak.

picasso app logo
Picasso Jailed ToolBox

Picasso is A Jailed toolbox application and a Cowabunga toolbox alternative, providing support for all arm64e devices running iOS 16.0 – 16.5 and 16.6 beta 1.

WDBFontOverwrite logo

A new PoC application that changes the system font has appeared, and the future development of this exploit is expected to grow. The Exploit can temporarily overwrite any file, without jailbreak.

Jailbreak & Non-Jailbreak Themes.

Themes for iOS 17
Themes for iOS 17

A new PoC application that changes the system font has appeared, and the future development of this exploit is expected to grow. The Exploit can temporarily overwrite any file, without jailbreak.

Best Sileo & Zebra Themes

Best iOS 15 / iOS 15.7.5 to iOS 16 / 16.5 Jailbreak Themes for Dopamine Jailbreak, XinaA15 jailbreak, Palera1n jailbreak, and Fugu15Max Jailbreak. you can find the best Jailbreak Sileo Themes for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

iOS Apps & Tools.

FlekStore Pro logo
FlekStore Pro

FlekStore Pro offers a premium service for easily installing the best games, ++ tweaks, tweaked apps, jailbreak apps, Cydia tweaks, sideloaded apps, themes, and emulators on iOS devices without requiring a computer.

TutuBox App

TutuBox is one of the best 3rd party app stores for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch which supports iOS 17 – iOS 16, iOS 15, iOS 14 to iOS 13, The biggest advantage of TutuBox is you don’t need to Jailbreak your iPhone.

DarkRa1n iCloud Bypass Tool
DarkRa1n iCloud Bypass Tool

TutuBox is one of the best 3rd party app stores for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch which supports iOS 17 – iOS 16, iOS 15, iOS 14 to iOS 13, The biggest advantage of TutuBox is you don’t need to Jailbreak your iPhone.

For those seeking a jailbreak, it’s advisable to refrain from updating your iOS device. Keep your device on the lowest possible iOS version, as it may take some time for jailbreaks to become available.

Latest Jailbreak Status

iOS 17 Jailbreak Downloads.

For iOS 17.0 – 17.2 jailbreak on A11 and older iPhone models, there is no compatibility. However, Specific iPad models support iOS 17 jailbreaking. For those, you can use Palera1n to jailbreak your device on versions 17.0-17.1, but please note that it is semi-tethered and only works on older devices.

✅iOS 17.0 – 17.1 – for palera1n A8 – A11 Access the guide here.

🚫 iOS 17.0 – 17.2 – for No Jailbreak Yet (A12+)

A12 and later (iPhone XR/XS or higher), there is currently no jailbreak available for iOS 17.

iOS 16 Jailbreak Downloads.

For iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1 jailbreak on A11 and older (iPhone X and below), you can use Palera1n to jailbreak your device on versions, but it is semi-tethered and only works on older devices.

✅iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1 – for palera1n A8 – A11 Access the guide here.

🚫 iOS 16.0 – 16.6.1 – for No Jailbreak Yet (A12+)

A12 and later (iPhone XR/XS or higher), there is currently no jailbreak available for iOS 16 – 16.6.1.

iOS 15 Jailbreak Downloads

Jailbreaks for iOS 15.0 – 15.4.1 are available. You can use tools like Palera1n / Dopamine / Fugu15 Max to jailbreak your supported device on these versions.

✅iOS 15.0 – 15.8 – for palera1n A8 – A11 Access the guide here.

✅iOS 15.0 – 15.4.1 – for Dopamine A12 – A15 + M1 Access the guide here.

✅iOS 15.0 – 15.4.1 – for Fugu15 Max Beta A12 – A15  Access the guide here.

✅iOS 15.0 – 15.1.1 – for XinaA15 Jailbreak A12 – A15 Access the Guide Here

🚫 iOS 15.4.1 – iOS 15.6.1 – for No Jailbreak Yet (A12+)

A12 and later (iPhone XR/XS or higher), there is currently no jailbreak available for iOS 15.4.1 – iOS 15.6.1.

iOS 14 Jailbreak Downloads

Jailbreaks for iOS 14.0 – 14.8 are available. You can use tools like Checkra1n / Unc0ver A12 + to jailbreak your supported device on these versions.

✅iOS 14.0 – 14.8.1 – for Checkra1n – iPhone X & Older (A11-)

✅ iOS 14.0 – iOS 14.8.1 – for Unc0ver & Taurine – Supports All Devices (A12+)

A12 and later (iPhone XR/XS or higher), there is currently a jailbreak available for iOS 14.0 – iOS 14.8.1

iOS 13 Jailbreak Downloads

Jailbreaks for iOS 13.0 – 13.7 are available. You can use tools like Unc0ver / Odyssey / Checkra1n to jailbreak your supported device on these versions.

✅ iOS 13.0 – iOS 13.7 – for Unc0ver & Taurine – Supports All Devices (A12+)

✅iOS 13.0 – 13.7 – for Checkra1n – iPhone X & Older (A11-)

iOS 12 Jailbreak Downloads

Jailbreaks for iOS 12.0 – 12.5.3 are available. You can use tools like Unc0ver / Chimera / Checkra1n to jailbreak your supported device on these versions.

✅ iOS 12.0 – iOS 12.5.3 – for Unc0ver & Chimera – Supports All Devices (A12+)

✅iOS 12.0 – 12.5.3 – for Checkra1n – iPhone X & Older (A11-)

iOS 11 Jailbreak Downloads.

Jailbreaks for iOS 11.0 – 11.4.1 are available. You can use tools like Unc0ver / Electra / LiberiOS to jailbreak your supported device on these versions.

✅ iOS 11.0 – 11.4.1 – for Unc0ver, Electra & LiberiOS.

LiberiOS – Developer Jailbreak

iOS 10 Jailbreak Downloads

iOS 9 Jailbreak Downloads

  • iOS 9 – 9.3.6 Pangu / Home Depot / Phoenix

iOS 8 Jailbreak Downloads

  • iOS 8 – 8.4.1 Pangu / TaiG / EtasonJB / PP Jailbreak

iOS 7 Jailbreak Downloads

  • iOS 7 – 7.1.2 evasi0n / Pangu

iOS 6 Jailbreak Downloads

  • iOS 6 – 6.1.6 evasi0n / p0sixspawn

iPhoneOS – iOS 5 Jailbreaks

  • (no name) first-ever iPhone jailbreak released July 10th, 2007
  • JailbreakMe first every website jailbreak See Here
  • Quickpwn
  • PwnageTool
  • redsn0w Downloads Still Available
  • purplera1n
  • blackra1n
  • limera1n
  • Spirit
  • Greenpoison
  • Ultrasn0w
  • Absinthe –
  • Sn0wbreeze

All jailbreak info and history can be found on the iOS Jailbreaking Wiki